Perform a Free Alabama Parole Search (Parolee Lookup)

Free Alabama Parolee Lookup
Find out if someone you know or love was released from prison on parole in Alabama, free of charge.

Run a free Alabama parole search to learn details about released prisoners (parolees), hearing dates, supervising officers, and violators in the state.

Individuals who have committed less severe offenses are given a probation period under the supervision of a probation officer instead of jail time. In contrast, parole allows convicts to complete their sentences outside of prison, under the watch of a parole officer.

Parole is often granted to prisoners who show good behavior during prison, adhere to the law, and are deemed safe to be released in public. Clear and concise instructions on conducting parole searches and probation lookups in the state of Alabama will be discussed in this resource.

How To Run an Alabama Parole Search & Find Released Prisoners

The Alabama Bureau of Pardons & Paroles is responsible for hearing prisoners’ parole requests and granting paroles based on their behavior.1 A committee considers the prisoners’ requests and decides whether or not they should be allowed to complete their sentences outside of prison based on a variety of factors.

Citizens can find complete information about the current year’s parole requests by prisoners, along with hearing dates and whether or not they were granted parole, through the department’s Current Year Parole Results Page.2

Researchers can search prisoners by their full names (first and last name) or through their AIS (Alabama Institutional Serial) numbers. The results will display the prisoner’s parole request hearing dates and whether they were given parole or not.

In some cases, when the prisoner’s request for parole is denied, it might be rescheduled to a date in the future. Searchers can also find this future hearing date in the results.

Screenshot of the current year parole results listing the hearing dates,inmate numbers, first and last names, and results.
Source: Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles2

Citizens can also conduct an Alabama parolee lookup by month through the Bureau of Pardon & Parole Results Page linked above. The page has parole result lists in PDF form for each month going as back as 2020, which can be downloaded as well.

As another option, and in the case the researcher wants more detailed records, a request can be filed to the Alabama Bureau of Pardon & Parole through their Public Records Request page.

To request public parole records from the department, the researcher will have to fill out a Request to View Public Records form. This form will then have to be mailed to the department on its official postal address or through electronic mail to the department’s official email using the following credentials:

Alabama Bureau of Pardons & Paroles
Communications Office
100 Capitol Commerce Blvd Suite 310
Montgomery, Alabama 36117

Phone – 334-242-8700
Email –

A description of the records the citizen wants to view will have to be given in the form, along with the purpose of viewing those records. Once the form is mailed, the department will assess whether or not they have the requested records and whether or not they can be provided to the researcher.

In case the department does have the records and they come in the public records domain, the researcher will be charged $23 per hour of basic research, which can be done at the Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles office from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. For print copies, a fee of ¢25 will be charged per each single side black and white print.

It is important to note that the citizen will only be charged a fee by the department if it totals over $25. Parole records can also be requested by researchers by visiting the office of the Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles in person or by calling the department at the above-mentioned address and number.

Determine if Someone in Alabama Is in Violation of Parole or Has Absconded (Fled)

The Alabama Bureau of Pardons & Paroles has an Absconder Alert page that has details of all parole violators and absconders (who have fled from parole).3 Citizens can conduct an parole search for violators and absconders in Alabama through this page.

Screenshot of the absconder list, displaying their mugshot, full name, description, cities and counties, and the date, time, and details of escape.
Source: Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles3

The page has details of the violators, including their physical description, mugshots, date (when they fled), and conviction city and county. Citizens have been requested to contact their local law enforcement agencies or the Alabama Bureau of Pardons & Paroles in case they have any information about the absconders and violators or happen to spot them anywhere.

How To Look Up Inmates in Alabama State Prison

Researchers can look up inmates in Alabama state prisons through the state’s Department of Correction. The department’s official website has an Inmate Search Page that can be used to search for details of currently incarcerated individuals.

Citizens can search inmate details by entering their full names or AIS numbers. The results will show the inmate’s mugshot, date of incarceration, projected date of release, and physical description, along with the type of offense committed by them.

Screenshot of the expanded information of an inmate from the search results, showing his mugshot, institution, other descriptors, and incarceration details.
Source: Alabama Department of Corrections4

Details can also be obtained by visiting the Alabama Department of Correction in person, by calling them, or through email using the following credentials:

Alabama Department of Corrections
301 S. Ripley St.
Montgomery Alabama 36130

Phone: 855-937-2362

An individual can also send money to an inmate through the Department of Corrections Send Money to an Inmate page (the page has complete details on how to send money to an inmate’s account by phone, online, by money order, or by hand).5

Furthermore, in case a citizen wants to contact or visit their family or other loved ones in prison, the Penmate Inmate Help Page can provide detailed guidance.

How To Verify When an Alabama Parole Hearing Will Be & Find Parole Officer Details

Citizens can also conduct an Alabama parolee lookup to verify when a parole hearing will be conducted or to find details about parole officers assigned to parolees. For the schedule of upcoming parole hearings, citizens can check the Scheduled Hearing Page.

This page has a list of all inmates whose parole requests will be heard by the parole and pardon committee in the coming days, along with the dates. Searchers can search this list by the inmate’s full name or their AIS number.

Screenshot of the list of parole hearings, displaying the inmates' names, numbers. and hearing dates.
Source: Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles6

To find details of parole officers assigned to parolees the Alabama Bureau of Pardons & Paroles (ABPP) can be contacted through phone calls, email or in person visits.7

Alabama Bureau of Pardons & Paroles
Communications Office
100 Capitol Commerce Boulevard Suite Number 310
Montgomery State of Alabama 36117

Phone Number: 334-242-8700
Email Address:

The ABPP office is open 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday (note that the office is closed during weekends and public holidays)

How To Verify if Someone Is on Probation in Alabama at No Cost

Where parole is for serious offenses and allows inmates to complete their sentences outside of correctional facilities, individuals who have committed less severe offenses are granted probation under the supervision of a probation officer instead of proper jail time.

Citizens can verify if someone is on probation in the state of Alabama through different state sources, courts that might have granted the individual probation, and local law enforcement agencies.

The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency has a Background Check Service that can be used to find out if a person is on probation in the state.8 To find details about the background check program, citizens can contact the department through the following phone numbers:9

Alabama Law Enforcement Agency

Phone: 866-740-4762, 334-676-7897.

To verify if someone is on probation in Jefferson County Alabama, the most populous county of the state, the county sheriff’s department can be contacted using the following credentials:10

Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department
2200 Rev Abraham Woods Jr Boulevard
Birmingham, Alabama 35203

Phone – (205)325-5700
Email Address –

To verify if someone is on probation in Huntsville City, Alabama, the municipal court can be contacted at:

Huntsville City Municipal Court
815 Wheeler Ave.
Huntsville, Alabama 35801

Phone: (256)427-7810

The courthouse is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM (note that it is closed during weekends and holidays).

Using the guidance mentioned in this resource, citizens can conveniently conduct an Alabama parole search free of cost to find information about parolees, hearing dates, parole violators, parole officers and even individuals on probation. Residents who want to extend the scope of their search to include more than parole information can refer to the Alabama criminal history and detained records search guide.


1Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles. (n.d.). Parole Results. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from <>

2Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles. (2023). Parole Results – Current Year. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from <>

3Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles. (n.d.). Absconder Alerts. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from <>

4Alabama Department of Corrections. (n.d.). Incarceration Details. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from <>

5Alabama Department of Corrections. (n.d.). Send Money To An Inmate. Retrieved December 19, 2023, from <>

6Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles. (n.d.). Scheduled Parole Hearings. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from <>

7Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles. (n.d.). Contact. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from <>

8Alabama Law Enforcement Agency. (n.d.). Alabama Background Check. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from <>

9Alabama Law Enforcement Agency. (n.d.). Contact ALEA. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from <>

10Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office. (n.d.). Contact. Retrieved December 18, 2023, from <>